Sunday, 29 November 2020

Fiber Op on the Farm

This past week has been huge for the farm and the result of a 9 year combined effort of many people in New Ross to get fiber op in the community. After watching the lines get cleared and new wire strung up all summer, we finally got fiber op to the farm which is a game changer. Before the change we were getting the speeds listed below:

After getting the highest speed package available, we now getting:

As you can imagine by seeing this difference, it's a huge change and means so much to how we work around here. Both of us work office jobs online and have been remote for most of the year. For anyone who is remote working an office job, you know how much time is spent online (all of the time) and bandwidth needed for virtual meetings. In our old speed, we had to hand off on who used the internet and save downloads until the evening. With this change we can now both work without any issue. 

For the farm business, it's huge. We use the internet for tons of things like updating the website, doing online financial work, researching and learning new skills, communicating with other farmers/forestry people, and so much more. Being able to now have this kind of internet speed means we can really work on expanding so much more to an online space. If we want to do more things like virtual training or online sales, this is so important.

There are few times in the work around here where we have had game changing and this is definitely one of those times. 

Monday, 9 November 2020

Barn Renovation 2020

One of the big events for 2020 on the farm has been the total renovation of the inside of the barn. After last winter it was apparent that there were too few cattle to keep the water from freezing and also that the stalls (last renovated in the 70's) were in rough shape and needed serious repair. The general state of the stalls is seen in the picture below, with bent bars, broken stall walls, and more stalls than cattle we planned to keep.

Barn in early 2020

One of the biggest issues facing the redesign was that the barn cleaner circles the outside parameters of the stalls so a new reno needed to fit around that infrastructure. I took most of last winter and lockdown to draw up plans from my own experience and also from the advice I got from other farmers to come up with a box stall/tie-stall combo that now looks like this:

Barn in late 2020

The set up is a tie-stall in the middle with a water bowl and new plumbing. This plumbing has heat tape wrapped around it with insulation to keep it from freezing. The box stall set up also allows the calf to be loose all winter which will allow the calf to get exercise and strength in its legs while having access to milk on all sides of the mother. 

I'm hoping to lead the cattle down the alley and in the front door, circle around in the stall and tie them up. Fingers crossed that there are no issues but we'll see. 

The weather is extra warm now and in the 14 day forecast so I don't expect to be putting them in the barn now until late November/early December. Once they are in, I'll post another blog post on it. 

Beef Sales at Bar M Ranch

It's that time of year again when we’re selling beef from the farm! This year, we’ve received many questions about the process, so we wa...