Sunday, 31 October 2021

Halloween Rain Day on the Farm

 It’s a rainy and windy (Halloween) day which means we’re spending the day catching up on farm work that we can do indoors. During this time of year, we have a lot of computer/paperwork, bill payments, invoicing, event planning, online content etc to do that doesn’t make the top of the priority list on nice weather days. On nice days, we are still working on garden cleanup, garlic planting (which hasn’t even been started yet), putting in our winter wood, putting things away for winter. It’s only a few weeks until the cows go into the barn and winter barn chores begin.

Christina has been harvesting seeds for months and most of it is tucked in baskets, boxes, buckets and paper bags awaiting the weekends and dark nights ahead. Today, she’s completing the final clean up step for one seed crop she’s been saving (and sharing) for a couple years now - her Autumn Beauty sunflower. She started by bagging the prettiest flower heads once they were done blooming so the birds wouldn’t eat them all. Then, she cut them and hung them in the greenhouse for a few weeks. Two weekends ago, she removed the seeds from the flower heads and put them in a bucket. The chickens found the leftovers and seed heads and have since devoured those. Yesterday, she used the wind to separate the little leftover bits from the seeds. She scoops the sunflowers a handful at a time into the air and drops them back into the bucket and the wind carries away all of the extra little bits that aren’t seed. Today, 5 months after she planted this year’s sunflower seeds, next year’s seed gets put into a glass mason jar where she’ll store them until spring.

In the spring, she plans to portion the sunflower seeds into packets and share them with people. Last year she gave away nearly 100 packets of seeds and we really enjoyed seeing people’s sunflower photos.

Warm Fall Weather

It's been awhile since I wrote a blog post and it's probably because it's been busy on the farm! This fall has been particularly busy because of a few reasons:

  • The weather has been extra warm this year with a temperature of +18 degrees on October 30th! This means we can do work that normally couldn't happen until sprint that we didn't get to in the summer.
  • With the delay in haying season, there is lots of general farm upkeep work that was also delayed we need to do before winter. 
  • Generally higher demand for all farm products meant that we have been busy during harvest season with produce to sell but also a longer firewood season that I just wrapped up yesterday. 

The warm weather also means we have pasture grass still growing for the cattle. The picture below is from Oct 20th if you can believe it:

In many ways, this is helpful for getting work done on the farm and having a longer growing season but on the other hand it's troubling sign of how the climate is changing. We are seeing warmer times of the year when it should be cooler and also more extreme weather like the extreme wet conditions we had all summer. We are doing our best to adapt since it comes with positives and negatives but as this becomes the normal. 

The fall still is a highlight in Nova Scotia with an amazing array of colors on the trees which never ceases to impress us every year.

Although this fall has been unique, it's still an amazing time of year on the farm!

Beef Sales at Bar M Ranch

It's that time of year again when we’re selling beef from the farm! This year, we’ve received many questions about the process, so we wa...