I get a lot of feedback on the pictures I take on the farm and I thought I'd share a little bit about my process.
Over the last 9 years I've taken lots of pictures but the last few years it's gotten better for, what I think, are a few reasons.
- The main one is phone camera technology. When I first started taking pictures it was with my Blackberry. Although there are cameras out there, phone cameras work the best cause they are usually the main thing I have on me. My current Samsung S10 has an amazing camera with different lens options and functions that really allow me to get great shots.
- Photo apps. The main one for me is Snapseed. This app really allows me to upgrade my pictures and pull out the colors for a better shot. I also have really enjoyed Prisma which I now pay for, since it is amazing at making pictures look like paintings.
- Knowing where and when to have my camera. Most of the pictures I have taken have almost always been random shots I just happen to catch because I have my phone on me. Having a good camera on my phone means I get a good picture but having the camera in general makes the shot happen.